Implementing the EPIQA solution in your company’s processes will provide many benefits and measurable savings.

Take advantage of modern technologies and the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to increase performance in your business. You will gain not only a tool that will increase efficiency immediately across diverse processes, but also a crucial competitive advantage.


Optimization and Production Efficiency

With EPIQA, manufacturers can optimize production processes and plan operations to be as efficient as possible. This leads to overall lower production costs and increased productivity.

  • Aviation Industry
  • Energy Industry
  • Military and Defense
  • The Automotive Industry
  • Construction
  • Production of heavy machinery and equipment
  • Logistics
  • The Electrotechnical Industry

Loss Reduction and Sustainability

Continuous optimization of plans reduces loss and waste of resources, resulting in lower costs and greater sustainability.

  • Logistics
  • Industry

Flexibility and Adaptability

The solution enables flexible reaction to change in demand, supply chain or production conditions, while improving the ability to adapt to rapidly changing market conditions.

  • Construction
  • Electrotechnical Industry
  • Logistics

Increased Quality and Reliability

Better planning and monitoring of production processes means increased product quality and delivery reliability. This increases customer confidence and reduces costs associated with claims and repairs.

  • Aviation Industry
  • Automotive Industry
  • Energy Industry
  • Construction Industry

Time to Market

Effective planning and optimization of production allows manufacturers to reduce the time needed to launch products on the market, and to respond more quickly to new trends and customer requirements.

  • Construction industry
  • Production of heavy machinery and equipment
  • Aviation Industry
  • Military and Defense Industry

Transparency and Awareness

Our software increases transparency, enables the monitoring of production processes and obtaining up-to-date information on the status of production and the supply chain, which allows for faster decision-making.

  • Military and Defense Industry
  • Aviation Industry
  • Production of heavy machinery and equipment
  • Electrotechnical Industry
  • Construction industry

Zdeněk Samuel

Team lead

  • Má více než 20 let praktických zkušeností s budováním a vedením týmů v oblasti QA a vývoje SW.
  • Během své kariéry působil ve špičkových SW firmách, kde vybudoval profesionální týmy zaměřené na testování kvality.
  • Aktuálně se věnuje řízení týmu v oblasti optimalizačních úloh.
  • „Projekt EPIQA udělal obrovský krok kupředu.
  • Od výzkumného projektu až po klíčový nástroj, který na denní bázi plánuje výrobu letadel u největšího světového výrobce.“