Top-notch solutions require top-notch experts


Zdeněk Samuel

Team lead

Ondřej Harcuba

Senior Architect

Ondřej Mach

Head of research

Miloslav Martínek

Project manager

Continuous development, reliable team


Our Team’s Specializations

We have fully allocated a specialized team to development of the innovative EPIQA product. This enables us to regularly acquire know-how in planning and optimization of operations and processes in the production of large investment units.

Roles in the Team

Each member of our team has a unique role: From design and development to testing and maintenance. We work together to ensure that our EPIQA software is not only powerful and efficient, but also reliable and easy to use.

Tailored Solutions

Our experts always build the EPIQA solution tailored precisely to your needs. Only by working in this way can we ensure the maximum possible efficiency and added value for your business.

Continuous Development

Our group is made up of experienced researchers who are always looking for new approaches and technologies. Our own applied research department is one of our key competitive advantages – an advantage we pass on to our clients through the solutions we provide.

CertiCon: Our foundation for innovative technologies and development

We draw on many years of know-how. We are part of CertiCon, a leading science and technology company engaged in software development and creation of top solutions for technologically demanding industries.

Vladimír Mařík

Chairman of the Board CertiCon a.s.

One of the founders of CertiCon a.s. is Prof. Ing. Vladimír Mařík, DSc., dr.h.c.

Professor Mařík’s focus of professional interest is artificial intelligence and its use in automated control, and also in decision support and planning systems, especially with regard to the needs of industrial practice, along with multi-agent and knowledge systems and soft computing.

He is the co-author of more than 170 scientific publications and 5 US patents. He received an honorary doctorate from BUT at Brno (2013) and NIMS University, Jaipur, India (2023).

For his scientific achievements, Prof. Mařík has been awarded the Czechoslovak State Prize (1989), the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art (2003), the Invention Prize (Česká hlava 2010) and the State Award for Merit in the Field of Science (awarded by the President of the Czech Republic in 2017).

Experience from many areas and disciplines

Telecommunications, healthcare, industrial manufacturing, security. These are the areas in which CertiCon applies the knowledge of its experts and develops solutions that improve and simplify our lives. The company’s unique added value is its own applied research and active cooperation with many Czech and international research institutions.

  • Comprehensive IT solutions
  • Technical and business consulting
  • Hardware development and prototyping
  • Development of embedded systems
  • Software testing
  • Software design
  • Software development
  • Zdeněk Samuel

    Team lead

    • Má více než 20 let praktických zkušeností s budováním a vedením týmů v oblasti QA a vývoje SW.
    • Během své kariéry působil ve špičkových SW firmách, kde vybudoval profesionální týmy zaměřené na testování kvality.
    • Aktuálně se věnuje řízení týmu v oblasti optimalizačních úloh.
    • „Projekt EPIQA udělal obrovský krok kupředu.
    • Od výzkumného projektu až po klíčový nástroj, který na denní bázi plánuje výrobu letadel u největšího světového výrobce.“